Instantly access company information for 5M+ businesses in the UK and Ireland.

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The Fastest way to find company data

Gain insights into a company's health with key financials like registration details, net worth, key people, registration address, and more: all presented in clear, easy-to-read format.


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Unlimited, instant company and leads searches


Essential details you need at no cost


Gain insights into a company's health


About Company Search

PBLINK Company Search empowers you with unlimited, instant company searches, providing all the essential details you need at no cost.

Gain insights into a company's health with key financials like registration details, net worth, key people, registration address, and more: all presented in clear, easy-to-read format.


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What is company search?

Company Search by PBLINK brings together a wealth of company and director details from lots of reliable sources, like Companies House.

Because we understand the value of the right introductions, we offer a trusted, up-to-date Company Search solution that you can rely on time and time again.


What data can I access?

There are four key data areas you can search for:

  1. Company Data: Check the incorporation date, last accounts filed, and business nature using the SIC code.

  2. Registered Address: Locate the business's current registered address.

  3. Key People: Identify directors, shareholders, relevant addresses and dates of birth.

  4. Filing History Available: View dates and documents submitted to HMRC and Companies House.

SIC code explanation

In our search results, we include SIC Codes. Companies House uses a simplified list of Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes.


Search for the code that best describes the business activity you're looking for from this list.


Top tip: If your search results show SIC Code 99999, that means the company is dormant. SIC Code 74990 means the company is non-trading.

How to use search well

Use Company Search to find out whether the business you are dealing with in the UK is legitimate, and find out if they have submitted accounts, their sector, and who the director of the business is. 


All of this provides insights for your business to ensure you engage with the right people, and serves as a great prospecting tool for you to use when it comes to social media or email outreach. 

What is PBLINK?

PBLINK was founded in 2012 to support diverse business entrepreneurs with their ambition of growing a business in the UK, outside of their homeland. 

Our goal is to become your primary resource for company checking in the UK & Ireland, by giving you access to all the information you need to grow your business, in one convenient search solution.